2nd Stage

2nd : 1979 - 1988 

"The Myths of the Earth"

The myths in our lives 

RafaelArgullol, Poet, writer and philosopher 

The images that Carme Riera offers us now is a kind of confrontation towards her work as well as a new outlook on it If previously it was directed to every day life, close examining its history , actually she seems to be more radically interested in delving deep into its roots, primal in man’s history There is no rupture , but a much deeper insight an almost purer outlook. We can’t be surprised therefore with the techniques she uses even though now she radically does away with the frontier between sculpture and painting
…Rejected. materials , imprints from every day life, that captured, and reconstructed by Carme Riera will inhabit a timeless far away .space 

The myths, Criticisms and story

Francesc Miralles, Historian and Art critic. 

By means of her work, Carme Riera draws us to the world of Mythology and Legends with series dealing from warriors to sphinxes drawing us to a new world in which our Mediterranean story and culture is recovered.

Carme Riera’s sailings

Teresa Costa-Gramunt, Poet and writer. 

She draws boats from different times, sailing from and to many countries. If the delicate trace of the sculpture named “Pekin·” draws our imagination to a calm sea in China as if seen in a dream, the one called “Navili evokes far distant seas found in literature, with the Odyssey to begin with. 

Carme Riera, and limited art 

 Joan Martí Castell, Philologist and Professor of the URV 

To regard Carme Riera’s work is often disconcerting , because of it being so extremely complex and varied both from a point of view of its evolution, contrasts and changes as time goes by and from a synchronizing one in what is simultaneous..
Its surprising how she dares work with light and heavy objects mixing them in a hard and difficult interrelation which doesn’t accept established rules, because it is Riera who decides what code is to be followed; be it i hers (to build), be it (to destroy) what it is meant for.

She tries to find what is essential with proposals she constantly renews in a circle never closed of a continuous never ending research, as it is done also in the connection between matter and man, between what seems artificial and what is natural..

Collage as a multi sensorial experience. 

Daniel Giralt-Miracle, historian and art critic

Carme Riera’s paintings, collages, interpretations, and visual poetry are far more faithful to the spirit, atmosphere and sensations coming from her hidden sensibility 
Than to those coming from what she perceives with her eyes. She works through what she remembers with what remains in her subconscious thoughts, perhaps because she really is nearer to the eastern way of looking at the world calm, reflexive and thoughtful, than to the western more pragmatic outlook where one comes enjoys and forgets.......
Carme Riera´s research in her work should be examined using her own methods.
In considering that things in themselves are nothing, and that it is their plasticity and syntactic qualities what makes them be 
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