Rafael Argullol,
Poet, writer and philosopher. Professor University of Barcelona
Broken images that nevertheless keep their power to evoke; soft colours that at the same time are dawns and sunsets, torn papers that destroy to recover……this is how I think art appears in Carmel Riera’s world.…:
Because what really prevails in Carme’s work is light : a clear light full of Mediterranean dawns, …
A light that, for those who know Carme Riera well, is nothing but the natural reflection of her spirit,
José María Valverde,
Poet and Lecturer on aesthetics. UBA
With slight irony, Carme Riera recovers forgotten fragments of her works, mixing them within others, in connection with what she has been reading . This appears in her use of different techniques: from her collage with the object she is dealing with to the study of it’s nature. with slight mention to ancient time…to that influence left by the past.
The work of Carmel Riera often is , as if it were full of windows opening towards the mysterious glittering of the sea, thus creating something unexpected ….
…..This is also how she creates her collages. Like what is done with that paper you see has obviously been used before, where, just with a tear made anyhow, it will stand out as the ultimate refinement of her art.
…..Here all seems natural, there is no violence, nothing is forced to be in fashion. Its strength lies in its control.. .…
What Carme Riera does
José Mª Valverde, Poet and professor at the UBA
In textile art the subject is cloth itself, not only as the result of something previous but as a way to display the role of its threads and how they are interwoven ,independently, opening a new way where it began as non-figurative art in the paintings of Russian “spermatisma”`?
Exhibition by Carme Riera
Francesc Miralles, Historian, art critic. ...
… An exhibition, but much more difficult than that is introducing the author and her work. This exhibition at the French Institute , which offers a set of collages and mixed techniques doesn’t show the real meaning within the world of this artist. We could talk about her methods in setting forth her works but what should be mentioned is, her sensibility in it. .
Carme Riera is the expression of this feeling, not of any theory. Carme Riera is what she feels, not what she comes to by reasoning .That is why she prefers to express herself from the very beginning. She makes her own paper she will work with from the start, offering it in an infinite variety of colours and hues, subtle changes and unending transformations.